A citron while similarly a fragrant citrus fruit, consists of a dry pulp and only a small quantity of insipid juice. Unlike lemons, the citron is prized for its outermost yellow rind.
You can leave this whole or divide into segments (remove the pith though). Alternatively slice or zest it. Remove the pips / seeds if you can.
Label and date your storage container.
Whole - wrap individually in cling film, bags or aluminium foil.
Segments and slices - best to open flash freeze first and then pack in freezer bags.
Zest - did you know you can zest a frozen as well. If you have the zest place this in a freezer bag for storage.
Juice - freeze in ice cube trays and then place these in a freezer bag. You may prefer to wrap individually in foil when frozen but I prefer not to.
Alternatively - pack slices in freezer containers with sugar or a light syrup. Peeled slices are best stored in a light syrup (4 oz sugar to 1 pint of water).
Thaw (unwrapped) at room temperature for up to 2 hours.
Storage Time
12 months